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Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Way of Life
Sanatana Dharma is an ancient spiritual and philosophical concept deeply ingrained in the Indian subcontinent. Often referred to as Hinduism, it transcends the idea of a religion, being more about a way of life, often referred to as the 'eternal order'. Sanatana denotes 'eternal' or 'unending', while Dharma embodies 'duties', 'virtues', 'righteousness' or 'norms' to maintain the order of life and universe.
Concept of Sanatana Dharma
The tenets of Sanatana Dharma are rooted in the Vedas, the ancient spiritual scriptures of India. These texts contain philosophies, rituals, and hymns, providing guidance on various aspects of life. Sanatana Dharma is, therefore, not a single fixed religious or spiritual path. It is a broad compilation of various beliefs, rituals, spiritual practices, and philosophical ideas.
Beliefs of Sanatana Dharma
Sanatana Dharma encompasses a multitude of beliefs. However, some core values universally accepted include the belief in a Supreme Being or a divine Universal Spirit, the law of Karma, Dharma, reincarnation, Yoga and Moksha (liberation).
The Supreme Being
Sanatanis believe in a divine Universal Spirit known as Brahman. Brahman is omnipresent, formless, and infinite, transcending all comprehension.
Law of Karma
Karma refers to the universal law of action and reaction. Every deed, good or bad, has inevitable repercussions. One's present condition is, therefore, a result of his past actions.
In Sanatana Dharma, adherents are supposed to follow their Dharma or duty. Dharma refers not just to religious practices, but to a moral and ethical way of life.
Yoga in Sanatana Dharma is not merely physical exercise but a spiritual practice. The goal is to unite the individual self with the divine Universal Spirit, Brahman.
Moksha is liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Once an individual soul merges with Brahman, it is freed from all worldly pain, suffering, and reincarnation.
Sanatana Dharma is not merely a religion, but a comprehensive way of life. By teaching virtues of truth, honesty, non-violence, and compassion, it inspires millions of individuals to lead lives filled with peace, wisdom, and spiritual growth.
``` This is a simplified overview of Sanatana Dharma and the information included is only touching the surface of this deep and complex philosophy. Much more can be explored through intensive study and dedicated practice.